Gail Bonofiglio

Athletic Trainer

Gail Bonofiglio has been serving the Wauwatosa East High School student athletes since the fall of 1988. She has treated thousands of athletes in her more than three decades of athletic training service.

At the beginning of her career at Tosa East, she operated out of a small closet-sized room with a few amenities to now a remodeled two-room athletic training area and separate office area with several therapy rehab equipment and storage units. She has exemplified her caring and athletic training to treat the student athletes in returning them to their playing field as quickly and safely as possible. She’s also been known to aid and refer coaches and athletic directors when situations arose in their athletic endeavors.

Over the years she’s made numerous contacts in the medical world to provide additional support and options to families and athletes on their diagnosis and rehabilitation process. Bonofiglio’s connection to several former athletes remains after they have ‘grown up’ and consider her a dear friend. She has endured heat, cold, rain, and snow at Tosa East sporting events from fall to spring, all while maintaining professionalism in her job and caring greatly for the students she serves.

Bonofiglio has gained respect from athletic trainers in the area wherein, if a scheduling conflict requires her to be at two places at once, fellow athletic trainers are willing to step in and assist to cover the events. Bonofiglio has been a stabilizing presence for new and returning coaches and athletes, which has created a special culture in Wauwatosa East Athletics.

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